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Environmental Health & Safety Services

Golf Carts – Rules and Regulations

Report Concern:  To report a concern about a golf cart please call 615-494-7885 or click here

Department Responsibilities

  1. Only employees, including student workers approved by their direct supervisor, may drive state owned or leased carts. All vendor provided golf carts are subject to the operator rules.
  2. Departments are to ensure vendor provided golf carts have appropriate insurance in the service contract.
  3. All persons who drive carts must have a valid driver’s license.
  4. Before employees begin driving carts, they are to be given an orientation to cart operation and the safety rules that are to be followed. See your supervisor.
  5. Lock down the cart to protect it from theft.
  6. Register all golf carts with Procurement Services.
  7. Register all golf carts with Motor Pool.

Cart Operator Responsibilities

  1. Drivers are to slow down or stop at all blind intersections.
  2. Drivers are to drive carefully, be courteous and yield to pedestrians at all times.
  3. Driving of carts shall be curtailed or limited to only appropriate work use. There will be no “joy riding” or similar non-purposed use.
  1. Precautions shall be taken to prevent loads from shifting or falling from the cart. Passengers must be in a passenger seat with limbs inside the cart at all times.
  2. All accidents and unsafe conditions need to be reported to the supervisor immediately.
  3. Seat belts are to be used at all times when cart is in operation if available.
  4. Report mechanical or maintenance problems to your supervisor. Do not alter the cart’s safety equipment.
  5. Only carts with headlights are allowed to travel on campus roadways at night.
  6. Take care when carts are parked so as not to block walkways/fire lanes or become an obstacle for people with disabilities.
  7. Do not leave keys in parked carts.
  8. When the rear view is obstructed, do not back up without assistance.
  9. Drivers must be responsible, use good judgment, and maintain safe speeds at all times.
  10. No unauthorized personnel shall be given rides.
  11. You should travel on campus roadways and designated routes when possible. On routes with bus lanes, keep carts in the bus lane and yield to buses at all times.  Routes of travel are at the operator’s discretion and may include sidewalk and lawn areas.  See route map.
  12. These safety rules are to be observed by all employees who drive carts.
Middle Tennessee State University

Mailing Address

Middle Tennessee State University
Environmental Health & Safety
PO Box 32
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

We welcome your comments and questions. You may contact MTSU Environmental Health & Safety by calling (615) 898-2414, visiting our offices in Holmes Building, or emailing